CM: Now just quickly to wrap up, I want to ask each one of you - we’re speaking to leaders, we’re speaking to organisations today. What is your final golden nugget that you would like to leave with them when it comes to diversity giving business an advantage? I'll start with you Faith.
FP: You know our company looks out, and then looks back to the present, right? And I would say if you really want to understand this, do Snapchat because you can be a hippopotamus, you can be a monkey, you can be anything you want, and looking down the road, understand where it's going, because it will give you a bit of perspective.
But nobody's going to be pregnant. We're going to have our babies in like, you know, beautiful tanks. There's not going to be genders like this, is going to be like incredible fluidity. We're going to cross with robots. We're already doing that. If you have a knee that's robotic or shoulder [that’s robotic], you've done it already. As a matter of fact, you have already married your phone.
So, I'd say, you know, don't think about yourself, think about them. And I think that that would do it. And put your arm around them, put your arm literally, and you know have your lawyers there...
CM: There just in case…
FP: ...put your arm around them and you will get what you deserve.
CM: Thank you. Dr Ismail, what would you like to leave with the people that are listening to this conversation today about diversity giving that organisation an advantage?
TIS: I would like to use science to make points really firmly. They looked at indicators, communities or business clusters around the world. And what were those variables? What were those factors that made those communities innovative? Because we know innovative is one of the best ways to confer business advantage, innovativeness, and it was the proportion of homosexuals in that society.
That was the biggest predictor of the innovation level, and it speaks to the fact that those are spaces where homosexual people feel comfortable, and therefore it is a place that is tolerant and accepting, and gives a voice to people of who make that sexual choice.
And so, I don't think we can put it any more plainly than the science says, empirically, it's proven that the more diverse and open you are to wider thought and acceptance, and giving it voice, the more competitive you will be.
CM: Thank you. Dr Kahn, what would you say?
MK: So, I'm going to quote Investec's vision for diversity, inclusion and belonging, and I want to share it, because I love it so much. Our vision is... it's a place where it's easy to be yourself, and we underline the word easy, and I offer this as a way for leaders to think a little differently about diversity.
Diversity is not about numbers and representation, and having these groups - yes, that is a component - think about the individuals, the human beings in your environment, and consider how easy it is for them to be themselves.
How much of themselves do they need to put aside in order to work in your space? No matter what they are, where they are, who they are. That’s the vision. Other companies can have it too... it's fun. It's not copyrighted.
CM: You're giving it away... And Thando from you?
TH: Do you know what I've noticed - and I think Marc has already also said it - is what would set your business apart is values. It's what your business values are.
I think they will shape the kind of leaders you choose, and they will shape the kind of policies that you have, and with respect to diversity, if you approach it as an obligation, and not as a place of opportunity, like just a wealth of untapped potential, then it's not going to work for you.
But if you approach it with opportunity and a wealth of untapped potential, then you'll be able to hone the creative energies of all the individuals in that space to your benefit.
CM: Wow, phenomenal. Thank you. Diversity of backgrounds, race, outlook and gender has definitely been shown to be an advantage in business, and in an era that's becoming more and more competitive by the minute, to stay ahead of the curve is to bend the curve and define a new normal. Thank you so much to our guests for your thought-provoking discussion.