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Video: UK Property Market Forecast 2021

Against the social and economic backdrop of Covid-19, Brexit and tax changes, our Chief Economist Phil Shaw shares his outlook for the UK property market in 2021 alongside Tom Bill of Knight Frank.

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philip shaw
About Philip Shaw, Chief Economist at Investec

Phil Shaw has headed up the Economics team at Investec in London since 1997. He is a regular commentator on the economy and financial markets in the press and on TV. Phil graduated with an Economics degree from Bath University and a Master’s in Econometrics from the University of Manchester. He started his career in the Government Economic Service at the Department of Energy before joining the banking industry as an economist/econometrician.

Tom Bill
About Tom Bill, Head of UK Residential Research at Knight Frank

Tom is Head of  UK Residential Research, producing reports that include Knight Frank’s flagship Prime Central London indices, the Super Prime London Insight and the London Residential Review. He has written detailed reports on London sub-markets and contributes to The Wealth Report and Global Cities report. Tom, a former Bloomberg and Reuters property journalist, is a regular media contributor on the London property market and has presented at events in Europe and the Middle East.

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