The Impact of Covid-19 on the world of work
The world of work is being profoundly impacted by the Coronavirus. Leaders and corporate heads must adapt to the 'new norm', but what does that entail? And what's required from businesses to deliver and thrive? Investec’s global People and Organisation (HR) functions reflect on Covid-19’s impact on its people, culture and ability to deliver.
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MK: Marc Kahn | LG: Lucrecia Grandolini |
HS: Henk Struwig | LG: Lesley-Anne Gatter |
AB: Amandip Bahia | NT: Nozipho Tshabalala |
ZN: Zandile Nkhata | NT: Nicola Tager |
Watch the video on how Coronavirus is changing the face of leadership
The crisis and the subsequent lockdown means that the requirements and expectations of leaders have changed. A high degree of empathy and understanding of each individual's circumstances is crucial as workers are forced to navigate working from home, uncertainty of position and place, high levels of anxiety and feelings of vulnerability.
The crisis and the subsequent lockdown means that the requirements and expectations of leaders have changed. A high degree of empathy and understanding of each individual's circumstances is crucial as workers are forced to navigate working from home, uncertainty of position and place, high levels of anxiety and feelings of vulnerability.
Flexible and remote working after the pandemic will be readily accepted, and so balancing work and familial responsibilities will be easier. That's a win for the future.
What's missing is leaders thinking about themselves. It's important that they reflect on their own wellbeing, not only their team. I have a big concern around burnout throughout the organisation.
Watch the video on what leaders hope will change post the Coronavirus
Shifts in recruitment practices, working hours, leadership requirements, and how corporates value and reward employees are just some of the things Investec leaders predict will change in the working world post Covid-19.
Shifts in recruitment practices, working hours, leadership requirements, and how corporates value and reward employees are just some of the things Investec leaders predict will change in the working world post Covid-19.
Recruitment will no longer be locally based. We will be able to hire people from across the world. So the places that you'll look for skill will be totally different.
Five myths about the future of work
In a new world of gigs, unicorns and automation, change in the workplace is inevitable but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be out of a job.
About the author
Caroline Edey-van Wyk
Brand Editor
Colloquially known as Investec’s “storyteller,” Caroline curates and produces all the content that underpins Investec's Out of the Ordinary brand promise. She works across the business but specialises in the areas of Sustainability, CSI, Sponsorships and HR. Caroline holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree in Political Science and Broadcasting - cum laude. Before she joined Investec she was a broadcast journalist at Sky News and eNCA.
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