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Money Market linked accounts

Bank guaranteed, capital secure solutions

Lady relaxing in her sun lounge overlooking the ocean


Get competitive returns while maintaining immediate access to your money in an Investec money market linked account.

Interest rates

View the daily interest rates

See what your returns could be:

  • Future value calculator

    Investment Amount *
    Term *
    Interest Rate *

    R {[futureValForm]}

    Future Value (Interest compounded)*

    R {[interestPaidForm]}

    Interest Paid at Maturity*

    {[rate]} %

    Nominal Rate (NACM)

    R {[InterestPaidMonthlyForm]}

    Interest Paid Monthly (Approximately)*

    {[periodEffectiveYieldForm]} %

    Period Effective Yield

Why save cash in an Investec money market linked account?

Capital guaranteed

Save in an account with capital protection.

Interest rate calculated daily

Earn an interest rate that approximates the average of the top qualifying¹ money market funds’ published daily rates

No monthly fees

Keep your money market savings growing with no monthly bank charges.

Liquidity when you need it

Enjoy immediate access to a portion or all of your funds should you need it with a MoneyFund Tracker account or immediate access to 10% of your funds in a Private Select Fund or Top5 Optimiser.

Add funds as and when needed

Flexibly invest surplus cash savings in your money market savings account as it suits you.

Free online banking

Deposit, transfer and manage your funds without any online banking

Capital guaranteed

Save in an account with capital protection.

Interest rate calculated daily

Earn an interest rate that approximates the average of the top qualifying¹ money market funds’ published daily rates

No monthly fees

Keep your money market savings growing with no monthly bank charges.

Liquidity when you need it

Enjoy immediate access to a portion or all of your funds should you need it with a MoneyFund Tracker account or immediate access to 10% of your funds in a Private Select Fund or Top5 Optimiser.

Add funds as and when needed

Flexibly invest surplus cash savings in your money market savings account as it suits you.

Free online banking

Deposit, transfer and manage your funds without any online banking

Not sure what's best for you? Talk to our savings experts.