CMBOR research 2019
Insights, analysis and data on the Centre for Management Buy-out and Private Equity Research 2019, the first centre devoted to the study of private equity and buyouts.
Established in 1986 and now based in Imperial College London, CMBOR examines company buy-outs with a focus on private equity buy-outs. Including transactions which include the purchase of companies collapsing under large debt.
CMBOR has a database of over 30,000 companies and produces quarterly reports on buy out activity. CMBOR is joint funded by Investec and Equistone Partners.
Key findings
650 deals
The number of deals in Europe, worth €100.7bn
The number of €1bn-plus deals, falling from 29 in 2018
Average deal value for 2019, despite the fall in deals remains steady year-on-year
*statistics valid from 9 December 2019
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