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24 Jan 2018

The man behind the medals

This five-minute documentary gives the audience some insight into the man behind the medals, and the challenges South African swimmer, Cameron van der Burgh has faced on his path to international stardom. 

Cameron started swimming as therapy for his ADHD. Little did he or his mother know, it would be the start of a career that won him world acclaim and gold at the Olympics.

Cameron started swimming as therapy for his ADHD. Little did he or his mother know, it would be the start of a career that won him world acclaim and gold at the Olympics.

At Investec, we pride ourselves on our ability to spot talent and recognise individuals prepared to go the extra mile in developing their potential. This documentary was produced in celebration of Cameron, the epitome of an Out of the Ordinary individual, and the golden partnership Investec has enjoyed with him, for almost a decade. 


From a little known 21-year-old old with huge ability and ambition, Cameron is now a South African sporting icon and an international record breaker. We’re immensely proud of all his achievements, and the contribution he’s made to South African swimming. 


Cameron has had his fair share of challenges on his journey to the top.


"When I was 16 years old I broke my ankle. The doctors said I would never swim breaststroke again. That was a real pivotal point in my career," explains Cameron.

Cameron is now training for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics where he wants to set another world first: to be the only swimmer to win three Olympic medals in three consecutive Olympic meets. But even as he works hard in the pool, he's also working hard at growing his new sports and marketing consultancy business, Touch58

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Cameron van der Burgh, multiple Olympic medalist

Swimming for me is meditation. There's no cellphone, no sound, no gravity – you're free. You're in your own mind and alone with your thoughts.

Three interesting Cameron facts

Training regime

Cameron spends two hours gym training, and two hours swimming every day, with one day of rest per week. 

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His own coach

Cameron was South Africa's first home-trained world record holder. But he now doesn't use the expertise of any coach, preferring instead to take complete control of his mental and physical training. 

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Doing SA proud

Cameron is the current world record holder in both 50m and 100m breaststroke. He won gold at the 2012 Olympics, setting an Olympic and World record time of 58.46 seconds. 

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About the author

Caroline Edey-van Wyk

Caroline Edey-van Wyk

Brand Editor

Colloquially known as Investec’s “storyteller,” Caroline curates and produces all the content that underpins Investec's Out of the Ordinary brand promise. She works across the business but specialises in the areas of Sustainability, CSI, Sponsorships and HR. Caroline holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree in Political Science and Broadcasting - cum laude. Before she joined Investec she was a broadcast journalist at Sky News and eNCA.

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