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Exclusive Private Banking

At Investec Private Banking, we treat you as an individual. Our experienced team of bankers go above and beyond to give you a discerning banking experience that’s all about one thing: you.


Solutions for every life stage

Whether you’re just starting out in your career, building your business, juggling a growing family or looking to retire, we have the banking and investment solutions suitable for your life stage.

business professionals having coffee
For you and your business

Developed by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs.  Our Private Business Banking offering has been designed specifically to meet the needs of individuals who run their own business.

Banking for high net worth individuals
For high net worth individuals

A partner on your wealth journey. We’ll help you create, grow and preserve your wealth now – and for future generations.

Banking solutions for you family
For you and your family

Our offering is designed to deliver exclusive banking, saving and investing solutions for you, your spouse and your children.

Banking for young professionals
Young professionals

If you're an ambitious young professional (under 30), open a Private Bank Account, for access to expertise and service that will keep you ahead of the curve.

Banking for medical professionals
Medical professionals

Whether you’re a medical intern, doctor or specialist in private practice, we have a comprehensive banking solution to suit your career and life stage.

Banking for self-employed individuals and entrepreneurs
Tailor a solution specific to you

Not sure what you need? We'll tailor a solution to suit your needs.

A bank account for you

The Investec Private Bank Account consolidates your daily transactional banking into one account, with one Visa card and a single transparent monthly fee.

Foreign Exchange

From investing and making payments, to receiving funds and foreign currency, we’ll help with all your foreign exchange requirements.

A bank account for your spouse

A separate Private Bank Account, linked to your main account, with access to all the same benefits, but at a reduced monthly fee.

An offshore bank account

The UK Private bank account is a sterling-based transactional account held and operated in the UK by Investec Bank plc.

A bank account for your children

The Investec Youth Account is a transactional account designed for children and young adults with no monthly fee and a linked savings account.

A Foreign Currency Account

Receive, keep and pay funds in a foreign currency.


Bank accounts to suit you

Our bank accounts are designed to deliver premium banking and lending solutions for you and your family.


Not sure what you need? We'll tailor a solution to suit your needs.

lady smiling and working on ger laptop in an office
Michelle, Professor, Cape Town

Investec is one of the few banks where you can immediately get hold of a helpful person to speak to and where they will actually call you back. They are well worth their fees.

Investec. One Place™

Investec. One Place™ gives you access to our full suite of banking and investment services, both locally and internationally, enabling you to create, grow and preserve your wealth for future generations. Your family. Your legacy. One Place. 
One place image outdoor trees and leaves


Ranked as the Best Private Bank and Wealth Manager in South Africa for 12 consecutive years, and the best in Africa for Customer Service, by the Financial Times of London.

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