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Investec India as the Exclusive Financial Advisor to Everstone and other selling shareholders, enabling them to successfully exit OmniActive Health Technologies (“OmniActive”) at a total deal size of $150mn. TA Associates, a Global Private Equity Fund, acquired c. 54% stake in OmniActive.


Investec's role:

  • Investec ran a wide, intensely competitive process involving global private equity funds to ensure optimum value creation for the Selling Shareholders and OmniActive.
  • Investec played a quarterback role to ensure the definitive documentation package reflected the interests of the various selling shareholders and founder in a compressed time frame and played a key role in stitching together a deal to balance interests of the promoter and incoming investors and create a foundation for a long-term partnership.

About OmniActive:

OmniActive is a leading player supplying natural active ingredients catering to the dietary supplement, nutritional fortification and functional food industries. OmniActive offers a range of branded, clinically proven, and scientifically verified ingredients that enable nutrition brands around the world to provide supplements that meet the demands of the dynamic health and wellness market. Bolstered by tier-1 customers such as Bausch & Lomb, GNC, Costco, etc. OmniActive boasts strong fundamental demand from both international and domestic clientele.

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Amit Bhaiya

Amit Bhaiya

Corporate Finance