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Prime Services

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Maximise your returns and minimise your risk by choosing a fully integrated and risk-smart prime services solution.

Gaining a comprehensive solution

Gain access to reporting and execution services, securities lending, clearing, structured financing, alternative investment products and solutions through a single integrated client platform. Benefit from a disciplined risk approach to help monitor your portfolios, maintain liquidity, reduce costs and drive efficiencies to ensure that your business goes from strength to strength.

Focusing on your needs

Receive customised solutions to suit your particular risk appetite, reporting needs and investment strategies. Access flexible infrastructure that allows for customisable solutions to meet your unique reporting needs. We partner with you to ensure that our solutions work comfortably with your existing processes, procedures and systems.

Investec and Goldman Sachs - a winning combination for South African institutions

  • Prime broking

    Receive the right platform to help you grow, whether it be through technology or our dedicated capital raising events to attract new asset allocators. Benefit from a unique environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation without restriction.

    Access a range of services including, but not limited to:

    • equity and fixed income sales
    • execution
    • distribution
    • customisable product offerings
  • Clearing services

    Partner with an experienced member of JSE clear and gain access to clearing services for all your exchange traded equity, commodity, currency and interest rate derivatives. Receive position reconciliation and the relevant margin and position reporting that we provide you with daily prior to the market opening.

  • Securities lending

    Our team provides services to lenders with low risk yield enhancement, while enabling borrowers, such as stockbrokers or hedge fund managers, to cover failed or short sale trades, hedge risks and conduct arbitrage in the market.

    Receive services to enhance your trading strategy. These include:

    • reporting
    • daily portfolio holdings
    • access to a deep pool of supply
  • Asset based lending

    We grant loans that ensure that the lenders’ money is guaranteed by collateral from the borrower, in the form of a cession and pledge of JSE-listed shares, which is then margined in real time. Giving you the ability to monetise share portfolios without having to sell the underlying shares.

  • Research

    Take advantage of our total coverage universe of nearly 500 companies operating in more than 10 countries. Ensuring that you gain access to relevant and precise market research from a global team that is widely recognised as the pioneers in the distribution of unbundled research.


  • Technology and reporting

    Gain access to an internationally recognised global, multi-asset class, multi-currency technology and reporting platform that scales to complement your expansions into new strategies, markets and products. Offering a wide range of data formats and secure delivery options.

  • Capital introduction

    Access effective client introductions by partnering with a team that uses information gained from tracking, synthesising and strong investor relationships.

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7 Offices

Receive a truly global service, where expertise is shared over international borders.


Partner with one of the first securities lending desks to open in South Africa.


Access our in-house equity research analysts located in India, South Africa, Ireland and the United Kingdom.