Institutional Equity Trading
Benefit from our high touch execution and market making expertise, or access the market through an efficient electronic trading platform.
Choose an investment partner that is focused on understanding your business and aligning your investments to suit your goals.
Investec and Goldman Sachs
A winning combination for South African institutions
Distinctive solutions
The equity marketplace presents challenges requiring creative and decisive solutions. Receive in-depth market insights to support your specific investment requirements. Partner with us and develop a relationship built on trust, consistency, superior execution and intelligent market information.
Our frontier markets offering
Growing your business into new markets doesn't need to be complicated. Take advantage of our global distribution capabilities and the strong relationships we have forged over the years. Partner with us to receive prime services and specialised research in multiple jurisdictions throughout Africa.
17 in Africa
200 countries
12 analysts
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Gain exposure to products designed to protect your capital or in some cases even give positive returns when a direct investment in the market would have produced a loss.
Benefit from independent, customised and relevant equity research and investment expertise that adds real value to your investment objectives.
Gain access to reporting and execution services, securities lending, clearing, structured financing, alternative investment products and solutions through a single integrated client platform.