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Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund



You are investing in building the future you want to see.

Sustainable Growth

You are participating in the growth of companies that are committed to protect resources for the next generation.


Your capital will help mobilise global sustainable development.

*Data verified by ISS SDG Impact Rating with scores ranging from -10 to +10.

The Fund's Mission

The Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund ("the Fund") seeks to capture the returns of businesses that are aligned to achieving one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a globally accepted framework through which businesses can align their strategic goals with ESG considerations.

The 17 SDGs are underpinned by 169 individual targets, which have been encoded into government action plans. They represent observable and tangible opportunities for companies to offer solutions and services to help achieve them. Through the Fund, investors are able to invest in companies that we believe can provide attractive investment returns over the long-term, through the lens of the SDG framework.

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Track performance, gain insight

View the Fund's monthly minimum disclosure documents (MDD)

Investec BCI Global Sustainable Equity Feeder Fund (ZAR version)
Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund (USD version)

View the Fund's quarterly MDDs

Investec BCI Global Sustainable Equity Feeder Fund (ZAR version)
Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund (USD version)

View the Fund's general investor reports

Investec BCI Global Sustainable Equity Feeder Fund (ZAR version)
Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund (USD version)


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Fund* impact rating by SDG

*Data verified by ISS SDG Impact Rating with scores ranging from -10 to +10.
These show net impact considering positive and negative contributions of revenue, operations and controversies as at 31 Decemeber 2023

Barry Shamley
Barry Shamley, Equity Fund Manager, Investec Wealth & Investment

It’s natural for well-managed, high-quality companies to incorporate sustainability into their long-term strategy, since these are companies that are most likely to have enduring and market-leading profitability. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide us with the perfect framework to make this assessment, and a timeframe to work within to galvanise our efforts towards a better world for future generations.

The Investec Global Investment Process

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Learn more about our commitment to sustainability
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Responsible investing

Sustainability is core to our fundamental investment approach, by integrating ESG considerations into our investment decision-making and broader investment process, as well as actively engaging with the businesses that we invest in on behalf of our clients.

ESG & responsible investing guidebook

Our ESG and Responsible Investing Guidebook aims to guide investors in understanding responsible investing, including the impact of ESG risks on the long-term value of capital, and offers strategies and tools in responsible investment practices.

  • Disclaimer

    Although information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, Investec Wealth & Investment (“W&I”), a division of Investec Securities Proprietary Limited or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries (collectively “ISL”) does not warrant its completeness or accuracy.

    Opinions and estimates represent W&I's view at the time of going to print and are subject to change without notice. Collective investment schemes (“CISs”) are generally medium to long term investments and the manager gives no guarantee with respect to the capital or the return of the Fund. 

    Collective investment schemes trade at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing of up to 10% of fund net asset value to bridge insufficient liquidity and scrip lending. Performance shown is that of the fund and individual investor performance may differ as a result of initial fees, actual investment date, date of any subsequent reinvestment and any dividend withholding tax. 

    Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. World Axis funds invest in portfolios of foreign CISs. As these levy their own charges, it could result in a higher fee structure for these portfolios. The manager has a right to close the portfolio to new investors in order to manage it more efficiently in accordance with its mandate.

    Investments in general and foreign investments in particular involve numerous risks, the specified risks are not intended to be an exhaustive list of the risks of investing in the fund. No security, financial instrument or derivative is suitable for all investors. In some cases securities and other financial instruments may be difficult to value or sell. The price or value of such securities and instruments may rise or fall and in some cases investors may lose their entire principal investment.

    Returns and benefits are dependent on the performance of underlying assets and other variable market factors and are not guaranteed. Levels and basis for taxation may change. Exchange rate fluctuations may have an adverse effect on the value of certain investments.

    The information contained herein is for information purposes only and readers should not rely on such information as advice in relation to a specific issue without taking financial, banking, investment or other professional advice.

    ISL and/or its employees may hold a position in any securities or financial instruments mentioned herein. The information contained in this document does not constitute an offer or solicitation of investment, financial or banking services by W&I.

    W&I accepts no liability for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature including, but not limited to, loss of profits, goodwill or any type of financial or other pecuniary or direct or special indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising whether in negligence or for breach of contract or other duty as a result of use of the or reliance on the information contained in this document, whether authorised or not.

    W&I does not make representation that the information provided is appropriate for use in all jurisdictions or by all investors or other potential clients who are therefore responsible for compliance with their applicable local laws and regulations.

    This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part or copies circulated without the prior written consent of W&I. This communication should not be distributed to private customers who are resident in countries where the Funds are not registered for sale or in any other circumstances where its distribution is not authorised or is unlawful.

    In particular, these unit trusts or fund of funds are not available to investors who are US persons as defined per US tax legislation. Additional information on the fund, including information on the EAC can be obtained, free of charge, at Fund valuations take place weekly. Purchase and redemption instructions must be received by the Administrator prior to the weekly cut-off time as indicated in the ‘Quick Facts’ section of this document.

    The Investec Global Sustainable Equity Fund is established as a protected cell of Investec W&I International PCC Limited, a company registered in Guernsey and regulated under The Authorised Collective Investment Schemes (Class B) Rules 2013 and approved in South Africa under the Collective Investments Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002. The Manager, International Fund Management Limited, has appointed W&I as its authorised agent to manage the portfolios. The Fund is administered by Praxis Fund Services Limited, Sarnia House, Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1GR, Custodian: Butterfield Bank (Guernsey) Limited (Registered number: 13263), PO Box 253, Martello Court, Admiral Park, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QJ.

    Investec Wealth & Investment, a division of Investec Securities Proprietary Limited. Registration No.1972/008905/07. Member of the JSE Equity, Equity Derivatives, Currency Derivatives, Bond Derivatives and Interest Rate Derivatives Markets. An authorised financial services provider No. 15886. A registered credit provider registration no. NCRCP262.